Security audits are a detailed and thorough assessment of the existing security procedures and systems operating within a facility. They are fundamental in identifying areas of risk and site-specific problems as well as the foundation for developing policies and procedures for effective security management.
LPGA undertakes security audits in all sectors and has developed a unique security audit for large hospitals and health care facilities supporting them to achieve full compliance to all mandatory components of the Australian Standard 4485 “Security for Healthcare Facilities” and also meet relevant NSQHS, EQuIP National & ISO 9001 (Health Service Accreditation) standards.
Several hospitals and healthcare networks are now utilising the expertise of LPGA to undertake specialised security audits in the healthcare environment.
Comprehensive models are used to analyse security standards and evaluate risk factors. Detailed reports to clients include recommendations in the form of a "Continuous Improvement Plan" that can be progressively implemented to resolve identified deficiencies.
Investigation services can be tailored to suit your business needs;
Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination
Sexual Harassment
Workplace Misconduct
Misconduct in the Disability, Child Care and Aged Care sectors
Reportable Conduct
Fact finding or preliminary enquiries
Fraud & Corruption
Misuse of authority
Conflicts of interest
Child Protection
Inappropriate use of IT infrastructures
Misuse of social media
Typically, our approach is to review all relevant organisational policies and procedures, codes of conduct (including professional standards, awards and/or workplace agreements) to collate and then analyse relevant evidence gathered.
We present detailed findings based on supporting evidence, together with observations, systemic improvements and recommendations that may assist the organisation going forward.
LPGA has many years of experience undertaking audits of supply chains, we have a proven process of identifying how and why losses are occurring.
How secure is your supply chain?
Does your company receive what is ordered?
Are products checked, verified and signed off when received?
Are your products adequately secured within your factory, warehouse or distribution centre?
How robust are your internal dispatching procedures?
How many of your current staff can action stock adjustments
Do you undertake regular cyclic audits of vulnerable stock items?
Are your transport providers made accountable for losses?
Security planning cannot commence without a clear understanding of the types and levels of risk facing an organisation. A security risk assessment will identify and evaluate potential threats and risks that exist and evaluate existing security measures for effectiveness.
LPGA will provide your business with a detailed Security Risk Assessment and Continuous Improvement Plan, which will enable you to prioritise the recommendations and act immediately.
Security Risk Assessments are undertaken by qualified staff and comply with AS/NZS ISO 31000-2009. This is the current Australian and New Zealand Standard that governs the process of undertaking risk assessments in all environments.
Loss Prevention is having a plan for the protection of company assets; including Staff, Products, Cash and Facilities.
Businesses who have a proactive approach to all potential areas of loss are most successful in reducing and managing loss and shrinkage.
LPGA will work collaboratively with clients to assist them to prepare a tailored loss prevention strategy for their business. Many of the strategies employed will have been identified in the initial security risk assessment process.
LPGA Managing Director Richard Murrie, is a recognised expert in security, occupational violence and aggression (OVA) and workplace safety. He is a government licensed security advisor in Victoria and has extensive experience in several sectors including government agencies.
Richard has provided several expert reports for lawyers and barristers requiring expert evidence in legal proceedings throughout Australia.